CCE Nondiscrimination/Antiharassment Policy

A Kalamazoo College student working in any CCE Program is covered by the College’s nondiscrimination/antiharassment policies outlined below.

Kalamazoo College Nondiscrimination Policy

An equal opportunity employer, Kalamazoo College is committed to equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal protection under the law. The College administers its programs, activities, and services without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, height, weight, marital status, familial status, physical disability as protected by law, or sexual orientation. The College’s definition of sexual orientation proscribes discrimination based on a person’s sexuality, or gender identity, actual or presumed

Policy Against Harassment

This policy establishes the College’s commitment to the health, safety, and well-being of all Kalamazoo College students and employees. The College has a legal obligation to ensure a working and learning environment free from all forms of sexual assault and harassment. The College does not discriminate nor tolerate discrimination in any form, in any education program or activity of the College, and will investigate complaints and take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the behavior, avoid its repetition, and prevent future harassment.

Reporting Incidents of Discrimination and/or Harassment

The CCE Participants have been instructed to report to CCE staff and their supervisor if they feel they have experienced any form of discrimination and/or harassment while working at their site. The CCE staff will work with the student and supervisor to address the situation/incident.  If all parties do not feel it has been satisfactorily addressed, the CCE staff will refer the claim to Kalamazoo College Human Resources. The exception to this reporting process is for claims of sexual harassment or assault. The CCE is required by law to immediately report these claims to the College’s Human Resource Department.