We view our partners as our students’ teachers, and we believe that we all learn from one another, sharing equally in the construction of knowledge. The partnerships we sustain are consistent with the College’s mission relating to experiential education generally, and more specifically to help students develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of social responsibility, intercultural understanding, lifelong learning, and leadership.

Current Community Partners
- Building Blocks Kalamazoo
- Kalamazoo Nature Center Fair Food Matters
- City of Kalamazoo
- Community Advocates for Parents and Children (CAPS)
- Communities in Schools of Kalamazoo (CIS)
- Discover Kalamazoo
- El Concilio
- East Side Youth Strong EASEL
- Farmworker Legal Services
- Five Senses Gardens
- Foundation for Excellence
- Goodwill Adult Literacy Program
- Helen Fox Foundation
- Interfaith Homes Neighborhood Network Center
- Kalamazoo County ID
- Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes
- Kalamazoo Parks and Recreation
- Kalamazoo Promise
- Kalamazoo Public Schools
- Kalamazoo Nature Center
- KC Ready 4s
- 9th Circuit Court Drug Treatment Court Programs
- Refugee Outreach Collective (ROC)
- Michigan Immigrant Rights Center (MIRC)
- Peacehouse
- People’s Food Co-op/Farmers Market
- Planned Parenthood of Southwest Michigan
- Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK)
- Society for History and Racial Equity (SHARE)